多益普及英語測驗(TOEIC Bridge) 已於今(2019)年6月改版,改版後TOEIC Bridge及多益英語測驗(TOEIC)題型高度重疊,由於TOEIC題型難度較高,學生可先透過TOEIC Bridge熟悉題型與基礎句型、詞彙,再繼續朝TOEIC 邁進。
情境學習 強調能在生活應用
隨著108新課綱上路,強調培養「能在生活中應用」的素養導向教學,已成教育現場近期火熱的關鍵字。對許多英語學習者來說, TOEIC Bridge提供的各種情境皆與生活息息相關,如:餐飲、娛樂、購物等,如後方練習的第一、二題,除了需從對話前後文推斷、還要搭配樓層圖才能正確作答,是很適合的學習題材,且閱讀題幾乎都是應用性資訊,如便條紙、信件、對話等。
這次TOEIC Bridge改版最大不同在於納入口說與寫作測驗,主因是英語學習者在說寫部分的學習,也是考驗能否自由運用語言的關鍵之一。測驗中幾乎都是日常中會使用的文體,這正巧也與新課綱強調的概念不謀而合。
改版後,TOEIC Bridge題型與教育體制內測驗重疊性增多,針對題型準備的學習者更能一舉多得,如聽力測驗中的應答問題便與國中會考、高中英聽題型相同;而口說測驗的故事描述,與學測作文題型相似;此外,要求提議和支持論點的題型,則和學測、指考近年作文題相同,都是要求考生先陳述意見,再提出例證支持。
TOEIC聽說讀寫測驗題目難度是循序漸進的,通常越後方的大題越難,所以練習時最好搭配適合的學習程度,不宜挑戰難度過高的題目,否則可能導致學習效果不彰,更可能因受挫而難以增建自信,建議想強化英語文能力的學習者不妨先從TOEIC Bridge入門,待程度更上一層樓後再接著挑戰TOEIC,相信會更得心應手,建議大家可參考下一頁與素養導向、生活情境應用相關的精選練習,一起挑戰看看。
TOEIC Bridge改版優勢重點一把抓
1. 與TOEIC完全對應,可成為TOEIC橋接考試
2. 更能與體制內的考試(國中會考、高中學測及英聽)相對應
3. 呼應108課綱改革後素養導向考題的發展
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following conversation and floor plan:
W: I got a call from a tenant in the building on Miller Street. His window won’t shut properly.
M: Which apartment is it? I just repaired a window in number 202 last week.
W: He said it’s across from the stairway on the third floor.
M: That’s not the same one. OK, I’ll go over and see if I can fix it.
1. Who most likely is the man?
(A) An inspector.
(B) A building owner.
(C) A receptionist.
(D) A repair person.
2. Look at the floor plan. Which apartment will the man visit?
(A) 301
(B) 302
(C) 303
(D) 304
Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following announcement and chart:
Feeling tired? Are you sleeping enough? Find out now, with the new Sleepwell sleep watch. Wear it like a watch while you are sleeping. In the morning, check to see how you slept. Then change your daily habits to improve your sleep. Look at John’s sleep this week. John slept best after he exercised. Now, he must cut out his evening cup of coffee! Find out how YOU are sleeping, with a Sleepwell sleep watch.
3. Look at the chart. When did John probably exercise this week?
(A) On Monday.
(B) On Tuesday.
(C) On Wednesday.
(D) On Thursday.
4. What does the speaker say John should do?
(A) Fix his watch.
(B) Watch less television.
(C) Go to bed earlier.
(D) Drink less coffee.
現職:葳格集團教學總監、泉州校區校長、ETS 認證多益英語測驗專業發展工作坊講師